903 source, ss316  - Spectrex United States  Sales

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BRAND Spectrex
Product 903 source, ss316
Internal code ONR4461050
Technical specification Quasar 903 source, ss316, ATEX, 3/4" incl. tilt mount SafEye Quasar 903 Transmitter QT-C-3-1-2 Transmitter, C1-C8 hydrocarbon gases, 35-100 mtr. Stainless steel 316, ATEX/IEcex Ex de ib (ib Gb) IIB + H2 T4 Gb and Ex tb IIIC T135C Db and SIL2 approved, 0-20mA/RS485/HART outputs, 2 x ¾" NPT cable entries, including one 888270 tilt mount

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