LPK070-MO2-10-111  - Wittenstein United States  Sales

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BRAND Wittenstein
Product LPK070-MO2-10-111
Internal code ONR4678707
Custom code 84834023
Technical specification Product: ADP: Horoscope: Engine installation will be carried out: Paint Option: Paint 1: Mounting position: Lubrication: Customs tariff code: Origin: Delivery Time: 10017408 10001205 10000996 Nope Standard RAL 5002 Ultra Teal EHM Tribol GR 100-1 PD LPK070-MO2-10-111 ADP LP M045D 063 04 041 015S S Distanzhülse LP70 Universal mounting possibility Characteristic feature: - Gear reducer variant: Acuple motor connection Gear Reducer Model: Standard Output geometry: spline filled shaft The product was removed from production. We would like to give you technical support in the selection of new generation products. Termination date: 2022-04-01 Substitute product: NPK s/n: 3581523

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