nD866F 12L60 DV / 866001003  - Schuch United States  Sales

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BRAND Schuch
Product nD866F 12L60 DV / 866001003
Internal code ONR4942840
Technical specification Ex-LED bathtub light, ExeLED 2, EX-zone 2/22, 40 W, 6020 lm, SKI, IP66, wide beam, 5000 K, Ra>=80, Ta -30 °C/+40 °C, L80B50>100000 h (@ Ta max), L80B50 >100000 h (@ Ta max) Ta 25°C), L90B50>90000 h (@ Ta 25°C), satined PC tub, stainless steel clasp (1.4571), housing glass-reinforced polyester, color grey, pass-through wiring (DV) 5x2.5 mm² PVC, Pure out wiring (RR), EAN/GTIN:4041254269818

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